Mark & Twin

Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

7 thingy tag

I was tagged by Dinah. Here goes ....

7 thing I plan to do before I die:
1. Bring my kids to Disneyland
2. Holiday in Maldives
3. Stay abroad for a couple of years
4. See my kids grow up, be a grandmother and hopefully great grandmother
5. Start my own business (probably a petshop)
6. Buy each of the kids a house before we retire.
7. Open a trust fund for each kids.

7 things I could do:
1. Exercise
2. Buy new clothes. The time I stopped buying was the time when I found out I was pregnant with Denisha. By the time I wanted to get some new ones, I was pregnant with Darien. So I think this is the best time to shop
3. Do some gardening. We haven't been doing anything about the garden eversince we shift into the new house
4. Get up earlier than the kids each morning
5. Clean up the computer table. It's mess with papers everywhere
6. Sell all unwanted things. Haven't have the time to sort it out yet.

7 celebrity crushes:
1. Keanu Reeves
2. Brad Pitt
3. Gary Barlow
4. Jacky Cheung (good voice)
5. ??
6. ??
7. ??

7 often repeated words/phrases:
1. sh*t & oops
2. oh my God
3. darling (hubby)
4. princess (my little girl - Denisha)
5. boy (my little boy - Darien)
6. hi
7. thanks

7 physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. height
2. looks
3. hair
4. facial expression (dislike moody)
5. ??
6. ??
7. ??

7 tags to go:
(no tags) - see I'm so kind .... :)


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