Mark & Twin

Daisypath Ticker

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

granny came back ...

24th October 2005:
Yesterday night we went over to Uncle Frank's house for dinner and witness the come-back of granny. The Buddhist believe that when a person dies, the soul will come back. We were told by the "medium" that granny will come back on the 24th October 2005 between 9pm - 1am accompanied by "ox head horse head". Food was laid out on the table beside the altar .. a set for granny and another for the "ox head bull head" figures. They placed a plate of flour on the table as well to justify granny's come-back. After lighting some joysticks to pray, we hid ourselves in a room upstairs. It was said if anyone sees the "ox head and horse head" figures, they will hook your souls away. No one dares try to go out. We stayed in the room eating, chatting and playing cards. Approaching 1am, I heard soft bells ringing and I asked my cousin, did you hear any bells? She said no. Hmm ... dunno .. maybe I was imagining things. Anyway, we all went downstairs to check on the table. There were fingerprints on a plate of flour on the table. That proves it. The soul does come back. We call it "wui yeong" (in cantonese).

Friday, October 21, 2005

slim and slimmer

Yesterday night, as I was getting ready for a shower, I decided to weigh myself. I was shocked to see the weight recorded on the scale and stepped off and on again. One more time I look at it. Gosh! When Darien was about 6 months old I was weighing at 56kg. It was still way above my pre-pregnancy weight. Before I had Denisha, I was weighing at 53kg. Now I'm at 50kg. Goodness me ... I didn't go on a diet nor watch what I eat. I just eat whatever I feel like. Gosh what is happening to me. Friends and relatives say the active kids made me lose all the weight. No wonder I can fit into all my clothings. Hmm ... at least I don't have to go for any slimming sessions. That's a consolation. Hehhe. Anyone wants to lose weight can help me babysit and I guarantee you will regain your desired weight soon. *hint* *hint*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

2nd Tag

Gosh! I've been tagged again by Dinah. Here goes .... uhm

List 10 things that bring you moments of joy. Tag 5 friends to do the same.
1. The 1st respond the babies made in the womb
2. The 1st moment I saw the babies when they were born
3. Kids walking hand in hand with Mommy and Daddy
4. When the 2 kids happily playing together
5. The 1st time when they crawled
6. The 1st time my little princess called me 'Mimi'
7. The 1st time the kids walked
8. When Daddy is having a great time with the kids
9. When princess kissed & hugged me goodnight
10. When the kids greeted me with a hug when I picked them up from the babysitter

Tags to go :
no tags for anyone .. lucky you!

7 thingy tag

I was tagged by Dinah. Here goes ....

7 thing I plan to do before I die:
1. Bring my kids to Disneyland
2. Holiday in Maldives
3. Stay abroad for a couple of years
4. See my kids grow up, be a grandmother and hopefully great grandmother
5. Start my own business (probably a petshop)
6. Buy each of the kids a house before we retire.
7. Open a trust fund for each kids.

7 things I could do:
1. Exercise
2. Buy new clothes. The time I stopped buying was the time when I found out I was pregnant with Denisha. By the time I wanted to get some new ones, I was pregnant with Darien. So I think this is the best time to shop
3. Do some gardening. We haven't been doing anything about the garden eversince we shift into the new house
4. Get up earlier than the kids each morning
5. Clean up the computer table. It's mess with papers everywhere
6. Sell all unwanted things. Haven't have the time to sort it out yet.

7 celebrity crushes:
1. Keanu Reeves
2. Brad Pitt
3. Gary Barlow
4. Jacky Cheung (good voice)
5. ??
6. ??
7. ??

7 often repeated words/phrases:
1. sh*t & oops
2. oh my God
3. darling (hubby)
4. princess (my little girl - Denisha)
5. boy (my little boy - Darien)
6. hi
7. thanks

7 physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. height
2. looks
3. hair
4. facial expression (dislike moody)
5. ??
6. ??
7. ??

7 tags to go:
(no tags) - see I'm so kind .... :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

nirvana ...

My beloved granny passed away last Friday (7th October 2005) morning at 2.30am. We were there a few hours before her passing. She was in a condition where she needs to be taken care of so she was in a nursing home for two years. We did not visit her for over a year when I was 6 months pregnant with my son, Darien. I had some complications and thought it was not a good idea to visit a nursing home then. After the birth of my son, our life was like havoc .. taking care of the kids and doing so many things .. by the time the day was over, we will be too pooped.

My granny developed Alzheimer about 5 years ago. Her disease got worse 2 years later. Before she develop AD, prior to that she has a stroke, from then she had to use a support to walk and eventually settle for a wheelchair. Everytime when I visit her at my aunt's place, I'll feel pain seeing her in the condition. Can't walk and can't recognise people.

Until recently, the doctors found that her kidneys were failing and was asked to bring her home. Two days before she was passed away, we went to see her in my uncle's house. When she was in her deathbed, I was saddened .. she was so skinny .. looking more like a corpse. You know .. its like an old fruit ... all dried up. I was heart-broken. My granny that used to be a fat and healthy lady is so lifeless. Not even a blink in her eyes. I was shattered. Tears rolled down my eyes. I could not control myself and kept on weeping. I called her and wondered if she recognise me. People used to say when a person is about to die, they will become the opposite and I believe she remembered all of us before she passed away because her eyes were teary.

My granny took care of me and my two younger brothers when we were babies up till schooling. We stayed with granny, aunty, uncle and cousin Barry (before they shifted to a new place). We had lots of fun there. Before bedtime she would tell us stories of her time and of my mom's time while patting us to sleep. When she was more mobile, she would sometimes stay at my uncles', aunty's or our place. I remember when my mom went over to UK to visit my sisters, my granny would fly all the way from KL to KK to take care of us. And we would all sleep with her, hearing her old time stories.

Granny was also a very understanding lady. She always stressed that she doesn't want to be anyone's burden. She's also a very thrifty lady and doesn't like to see food go to waste. So sometimes, when there're leftover for more than a day, we would secretly throw away without her knowledge. You know .. food so long can do harm to your body. Granny was also a very good cook. I simply love her sweet and sour pork and chicken potato stew. Everytime when I visit her she would cook my favourite.

I remember when I was younger, granny used to say to me .. "Poh poh is old, going to die soon". I would cry and say "no no .. don't die". And now, it's a reality. Maybe this is the best for her. She was really suffering and she had bed sores and it must have been really painful. I hope now she's in a better place and her soul can rest in peace. Poh Poh .. I will love you and miss you always.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Anniversary Celebration

This is our 9th year anniversary (courtship + marriage). If refering to marriage, its 5 years.
On our anniversary this year, we didn't do anything fancy. After dropping the kids off at the nursery, we headed on to Midvalley GSC for a movie. We watched The Myth in GoldClass .. cost us a whooping $70 bucks for two persons. Gawd ... we can watch at least 3 movies in a normal cinema. It was Mark's idea but I still feel it's a rip-off. The only thing good about GoldClass is that it has sofa seats and your food is served. It was really freezing cold in there and we almost turned into ice cubes. After the movie, we found out that they have blankets for rental too. Gosh too late. Took a picture of the ticket to remind us of how silly we were. Anyway, it's ok .. once in a lifetime.

We had lunch in Mr Ho's Fine Foods. We had a dish (forgot the name) with all meat in it. We were so stuffed after that. Couldn't even finish everything. Their pork chops are simply delicious with their own home-made sauce. Really sumptuous! Hmm .. yummy.